All posts in "Category: News"

Week 25 Challenge: Bright Lime Green
Whew, last one for today! Next week is a big milestone…I’d better get cracking on these!!

Week 17 Challenge: Easter Egg
You can’t get more Springy than a nice periwinkle, right? I happen to have some lounge pants exactly this color, and they go with exactly none of my t-shirts, so I wear them ironically. 🙂

Week 16 Challenge: African Violet
Another week, another purple. 🙂 I think I foresee more acrylic flowers for this one…

Week 6 Challenge: Mauve Shadows
…And it’s more purple!! It’s my favorite color, but really, I’m going to have to draw the line somewhere. I’m running out of purple things to craft with, which is something I NEVER thought I’d say. >.< Not sure what I’ll be tinkering with this week. Another set of bookribbons,...