Week 9 Result: Bay

Finally got to finish these! I’ve been waiting to use these green aluminum earwires, and Week 9 offered the perfect opportunity. The beaded beads are flat even-count peyote (curled and stitched to make tubes). The green gemstone is dyed mountain “jade” (I think), which is a dolomite marble from Asia....

Week 6 Challenge: Mauve Shadows

…And it’s more purple!! It’s my favorite color, but really, I’m going to have to draw the line somewhere. I’m running out of purple things to craft with, which is something I NEVER thought I’d say. >.< Not sure what I’ll be tinkering with this week. Another set of bookribbons,...

Week 12 Challenge: Storm Blue

 A lovely shade of teal! Perfect for spring! [ RESULT ]

Week 13 Challenge: Faded Rose

A lovely peachy coral red. (I have such a backlog…but my Week 9 result is going to be awesome!) [ RESULT ]  

Week 14 Challenge: Beetroot Purple

This is a shade we Southerners like to call PANK. It’s not just pink, it’s an in-your-face, no-holds-barred, kung-fu-fighting PANK. It will be a lot of fun to see what happens with this one. 🙂